Filtration is a key Part of Your system: When air filter and pneumatic components work together they preserve pneumatic efficiency.
These Pre-Filter kits remove large particles such as rust and debris. Desiccant Dust can wear our Pneumatic components prematurely. Our Filters Feature a pleated design to maximize the surface area available to trap dirt particles. This is saving you $$ on maintenance as well by extending the life of your primary Filters.
This unit had no pre-filtering and you can see the damage it has caused!
Dirt Build up over time can seriously impact the performance of your compressor and increase maintenance cost
These kits are highly recommended to be a part of your equipment protection plan to defend against normal or Harsh shop air conditions. For a little money now you can save money later!
This new System can be purchased and shipped UPS and installed on your current unit at your business or shop. Or Let us install it for you by adding it to your current order just let one of our sales Reps know and we will install on your unit before it ships!